Tia Miskin
  • March 22, 2023 11:25 am
  • Bexleyheath, UK
Could everyone please share and keep a lookout?
My sister tia miskin Tia Miskin who is 17 has been missing for over a week, the last contact we had with her was over 6 days ago and she didn’t sound herself! She has a daughter she hasn’t tried to contact which is very unlike her not even on mothers Day, she was last seen with a much older man and an older female in Bexleyheath ways we are concerned and worried about her safety
The police are involved but there’s only so much they can do, I hope with the help from Facebook we will be able to locate her and reunite her with us her family and her daughter
Please, everyone, share
This is the most recent picture I have of her
If you see her please contact me or my mum Amy Louise Miskin or the police on 101

Source: Local News Later

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