Ramon Sanchez
  • March 22, 2023 11:08 am
  • Seagirt Ave, Queens, NY 11691, USA

Date of disappearance: 09/02/2019

Missing: 3 years, 10 months, 1 day.

Disappeared in: CORVERA, MURCIA

Age when disappeared: 48 years

Current age: 52 years
Physical description
Height: 1.75m
Weight: 100Kg
Hair type: Shaved
Hair Color: Black
Eye colour: Brown
Build: Thick


Source: Local News Later

Contact Us: info@misingfamilymembers.org


  • Physical description
  • Height: 1.75m
  • Weight: 100Kg
  • Hair type: Shaved
  • Hair Color: Black
  • Eye colour: Brown
  • Build: Thick

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