Judith Lynn Whitley
  • March 29, 2023 10:39 am
  • Richmond, VA, USA

Judith Lynn Whitley, who is my sister, is wanted. Approx. 60 yrs. old.
Martin Earl Whitley Jr. was born in Virginia in 1961 or 1962 to Anita Bailey.
She was probably given up for adoption as a baby in Richmond, Virginia.
If you are familiar with her, ask her to contact Whitley Colton at (941) 961-8669 or Marty Coglianese, my best friend of 19 years, at (714) 514-1487.
OR. She only needs to leave a message on the first phone number.
Alternatively, she might go by the name Judy.

If You have useful information

Call : (714) 514-1487.

Call :(941) 961-8669

Source: Local News Later

Contact Us: info@misingfamilymembers.org

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